OpenPGP won't work on Windows

I just wanted to use my Nitrokey, but unfortunately I was unable to do so on my Windows 8.1 machine.
After installing GPG4Win I was unable to connect to the smart card, even though it has been detected by the PC.

Here’s the log (in German):
C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin>gpg.exe --card-status
gpg: Fehler beim Holen der Version von ‘scdaemon’: Nicht unterstützt
gpg: OpenPGP Karte ist nicht vorhanden: Nicht unterstützt

C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin>gpg.exe --card-status
gpg: Error during getting version of ‘scdaemon’: not supported
gpg: OpenPGP card is not available: not supported

Do you know why that’s the case? I just assume there is some kind of failure with my scdaemon installation.

Have a nice day,


what Nitrokey (Start, Pro, Storage) and what version of gpg (gpg --version) are we talking about? Do you use Nitrokey App at the same time? What version of Nitrokey App are you using (if Nitrokey Pro or Storage is used)?

Kind regards