Pkcs11-tool: is a UDEV rule required for CentOS 8?

Can you check the permissions of the pcscd socket?

Thank you, this led me to looking at the messages from the pcscd service and I saw it was generating some errors:

00000000 auth.c:137:IsClientAuthorized() Process 2441 (user: 1000) is NOT authorized for action: access_pcsc
00000474 winscard_svc.c:335:ContextThread() Rejected unauthorized PC/SC client

It looks like OpenSC for CentOS 8 comes with a POLKIT rule that only allows admins to access the service and the hsm. I was able to track down the rule and modify it so that it allows all users to access it.


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE policyconfig PUBLIC
     "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Policy Configuration 1.0//EN"
      <vendor>The PCSC-lite Project</vendor>
    <!--  <icon_name>smart-card</icon_name> -->

      <action id="org.debian.pcsc-lite.access_pcsc">
        <description>Access to the PC/SC daemon</description>
        <message>Authentication is required to access the PC/SC daemon</message>

      <action id="org.debian.pcsc-lite.access_card">
        <description>Access to the smart card</description>
        <message>Authentication is required to access the smart card</message>


Changing the allow_any to ‘yes’ for both sections resolved the issue.

Our Udev rules are here:

Thank you for the rules, those are much more complete than the ones I was generating!