
hey @mcnesium

mmmh, never happened before™

really hard to guess what went wrong here, do you use guided dns or static ? The guided DNS approach now uses (deSEC) dns for verification against letsencrypt now instead of direct connection, so this might be an issue.

Frankly, I would suggest to not debug this, but moreover redo it. So roughly like that (all as root or with sudo)

  • stop the nextcloud containers systemctl stop nextbox-compose
  • remove the ssl site sym-link from the apache configuration rm /srv/apache2/site-enabled/nextbox-ssl.conf
  • create the default (non-ssl) sym-link to ln -s /srv/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf /srv/apache2/site-enabled/
  • delete (backup) contents of /srv/letsencrypt (to make sure a new certificate will be acquired)
  • start the nextcloud containers systemctl start nextbox-compose

(untested commands, be careful and check them twice please)

Then you should be able to login to your nextcloud instance again an acquire a new certificate with your favored method.

<add typical ssh-no-support-and-own-risk-disclaimer here> :smiley:

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