Cannot update FIDO2 on NK3A mini with QubesOS

I am trying to update FIDO2 on my NK3A Mini

I have upgraded successfully the firmware following the instructions for QubesOS but when I try to update FIDO2 with nitropy fido2 update it fails after reboot into bootloader on a Input/Output error obviously since it is not connected to sys-usb no more.

But when I pass the command again nitropy fido2 update it fails to detect a FIDO2 key…

How can I do FIDO2 update ?


ultimately I am trying to use my nk3A mini for luks unlocking with FIDO2 (Unlock LUKS volume with a YubiKey – Guy Rutenberg)

but I failed at enrolling it
systemd-cryptenroll with error Device /dev/hidraw2 isn ot compatible. Failed to allocate libcryptsetup context: Block device required

The firmware update included FIDO2, you’re good to go.
The command nitropy fido2 update is not supported for NK3, sadly the tool gives bogus error messages.