Increase upload file limit

Hey there,
I’m sharing a folder with some friends where they can drop files (gopro footage). But they can’t upload large files and receive an error message “unkown error”. I figured it might have something to do with a system default file size limit? Cause it says in system settings “Maximale Größe zum Hochladen: 512 MB”.
Is that what’s limiting / blocking the upload of files bigger than that value? And if so, how can I change that value?

Thanks in advance!

Hey @adryanh

the blocking component here is php inside Nextcloud. We have not implemented methods to do this automatically, so without touching the system via ssh there is no way to increase this web(!)-upload limit.

But a common workaround is to use the Nextcloud client app as documented here, which uploads files in smaller chunks.


Could you explain how to increase max_upload_size using ssh?
I tried to


and restart docker

docker restart nextbox-compose_app_1

as explained here: Docker

It didn’t change anything.