I don’t really know where to post this, but I just received an email detailing the two new services, NitroChat and Nitrokey Meet, and I tried to register on the NK chat server, which announced I’d be emailed a confirmation url of sorts.
This was a couple of hours ago -indeed almost just after your emailing was sent.
But since then I never received anything on my mail…
Which email address did you enter during registration at NitroChat? The one which you used to register your account in this support forum was not used in NitroChat. Perhaps a typo?
Indeed, I initially entered a different email, the one where I received the ad, which is not the one I use here. But I tried this one too some minutes ago, with no further results. I am now trying with another browser in case mine is fitering too much…
[edit] Changing browser doesn’t solve the issue.
I renounced to give an email, so now I reached registration with no possibility to change password later on. Still, I think there is an issue with emailing on the server side…