Nitrokey for KeepassDX database?

I would like to:

  • convert my Laptop to LUKS encrypted with my Nitrokey
  • use my Nitrokey for hardware authentication for measured boot on my Novacustom Laptop (as afaik the TPM is broken when disabling the Intel ME?)
  • and encrypt my Keepass Database with it

At least using it as a backup would be great, as it is better than typing a long password.

Do you know if this is currently possible?

There is a description in the kepassxc docs.

This is about DX, the Android app

Sorry - my fault.
I’m not used to android.and therefore keepassDX, So I will get inform me here: It is in german but with many pictures :grinning:
KeePassDX: Magikeyboard und AutoFill im Android-Alltag nutzen – Passwörter Teil2

It seems that KeepassDX supports hardware keys, but some form of OS integration is missing.

plugging in the key suggests to open OpenKeyChain, but KeepassDX doesnt detect it.

The OpenKeyChain is unrelated, as that’s for pgp and keepass just needs an HMAC. I was curious and tried KeepassDX. Its help suggests to install its keydriver app, which still is missing Nitrokey support. However, it did not work with a yubikey for me either. I just tried to setup a fresh db and it never completes database setup, despite recognising the yubikey (which already fails for the NK3).