Hi support team,
I would like to report an issue. opensc v0.21.0 and v0.23.0 “pkcs11-tool --list-token-slots” returns error code although it lists slots and token info by 0.23.0/src/tools/pkcs11-tool.c#L1621
According to Nitrokey reference [1], opensc version should be equal or greater than v0.19. But it seems there is compatibility issue introduced since version > v0.20.0
I need support team assistance to stay on the correct page about compatile opensc versions.
I get similar from v0.20.0, v0.21.0 v0.23.0, but pkcs11-tools’s return code is not 0.
our source codes enters “if block” for exiting. There is no logs like OpenSC/pkcs11-tool.c at 0.23.0 · OpenSC/OpenSC · GitHub, printed to say the reason of the return error.
if ! pkcs11-tool --login --pin “${HSM_USER_PIN}” --list-token-slots -v; then
echo “Error while listing token slots. Please check if HSM token is mounted”
exit 1
There is no error like yours for user login operation. In addition PIN is correct because, the system is active and data signing process is working fine on exists environment. My job is to prepare a new system to keep that up-to-date.
Hi Marcin,
After your highlight, I found the issue on my system. PIN is defined as protected variable and my branch should be protected to access that.
The interesting point is why I dont get human readable error message like you