Hello, I have just started with new Nitropad 230. I went exactly step by step as NitroPad with Qubes OS - Nitrokey Documentation
but during finishing step 3 PC got freezed and I cant even move cursor. It shows:
[Dom0] Qubes OS setup
Setting up networking
After one hour with this screen I turned off the PC. Now after I turned on there is repeating this message over and over:
gpg: waiting for lock (held by 138)
I dont know what to do, tried to google / find here any solution, but I cant find any
Hey just answered you mail to support@nitrokey.com . Please don’t post here and at the same time write a mail to support@nitrokey.com . This often creates double work for us support crew.
The fix is most offten, exchange of the bios battery, since gpg needs a correct time to function. But it can have multiple reasons. After a fresh battery + external reflash 90% of the cases are gone. The 10% have probably an issue with the flash chip, that shows up this way but we did not investigate these.