When I call “nitropy nk3 piv” I only see this error about an missing python lib. But the lib exits.
nitropy nk3 piv
Command line tool to interact with Nitrokey devices 0.7.1
Critical error:
This command requires the pyscard library that is not available on your system. Please consult https://docs.nitrokey.com/nitrokeys/nitrokey3/troubleshooting#pyscard-is-not-available for more information
Modules of the virtual Python environment:
pip list
Package Version
------------------- ------------
appdirs 1.4.4
argparse-addons 0.12.0
asn1crypto 1.5.1
astunparse 1.6.3
bincopy 20.0.0
bitarray 2.9.2
bitstring 4.1.4
capstone 4.0.2
certifi 2024.2.2
cffi 1.16.0
charset-normalizer 3.3.2
click 8.1.3
click-aliases 1.0.1
click-command-tree 1.1.1
click-option-group 0.5.6
cmsis-pack-manager 0.5.3
colorama 0.4.6
crcmod 1.7
cryptography 42.0.5
deepmerge 1.1.1
ecdsa 0.19.0
fastjsonschema 2.19.1
fido2 1.1.3
fire 0.6.0
hexdump 3.3
hidapi 0.14.0.post3
humanfriendly 10.0
idna 3.7
importlib_metadata 7.1.0
importlib_resources 6.4.0
intelhex 2.3.0
intervaltree 3.1.0
lark 1.1.9
libusb1 3.1.0
libusbsio 2.1.12
natsort 8.4.0
nethsm 1.2.1
nitrokey 0.2.3
nkdfu 0.2
oscrypto 1.3.0
pip 24.3.1
platformdirs 4.1.0
prettytable 3.9.0
protobuf 5.28.3
psutil 5.9.8
pycparser 2.22
pyelftools 0.31
pylink-square 1.2.0
pynitrokey 0.7.1
pyocd 0.36.0
pyocd-pemicro 1.1.5
pypemicro 0.1.11
pyscard 2.2.0
pyserial 3.5
python-dateutil 2.7.5
pyusb 1.2.1
PyYAML 6.0.1
requests 2.31.0
ruamel.yaml 0.18.6
ruamel.yaml.clib 0.2.8
semver 3.0.2
setuptools 75.4.0
six 1.16.0
sly 0.5
sortedcontainers 2.4.0
spsdk 2.1.1
termcolor 2.4.0
tlv8 0.10.0
tqdm 4.66.4
typing_extensions 4.3.0
urllib3 2.0.7
wcwidth 0.2.13
wheel 0.43.0
zipp 3.18.1
Status of the key:
nitropy nk3 status
Command line tool to interact with Nitrokey devices 0.7.1
Firmware version: v1.8.0
Init status: ok
Free blocks (int): 24
Free blocks (ext): 459
Variant: LPC55
So what will be the real problem?