I updated without issues in the past (udev etc. is all correct), but now it is not working anymore.
Nitrokey firmware (currently): 1.7.2
Nitrokey firmware (planned update): 1.8.2
I get the following error. The error happens after touching the key to enter bootloader mode.
nitropy nk3 update
Command line tool to interact with Nitrokey devices 0.7.0
Do you want to download the firmware version v1.8.0? [Y/n]: y
Download v1.8.0: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1.08M/1.08M [00:00<00:00, 5.63MB/s]
Current firmware version: v1.7.2
Updated firmware version: v1.8.0
Please do not remove the Nitrokey 3 or insert any other Nitrokey 3 devices during the update. Doing so may damage the Nitrokey 3.
Do you want to perform the firmware update now? [y/N]: y
Please press the touch button to reboot the device into bootloader mode …
Critical error:
An unhandled exception occurred
Exception encountered: SPSDKConnectionError()
Critical error occurred, exiting now
Unexpected? Is this a bug? Would you like to get support/help?
Unfortunately reexecuting the command does not work. Also booting before in bootloader mode does not work (entering bootloader mode does not trigger the error).
same same, but different, happens with my nitrify v0.7.1:
21:57 [~]$ nitropy nk3 update
Command line tool to interact with Nitrokey devices 0.7.1
Do you want to download the firmware version v1.8.0? [Y/n]: Y
Download v1.8.0: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 1.08M/1.08M [00:00<00:00, 8.35MB/s]
Current firmware version: v1.7.2
Updated firmware version: v1.8.0
Please do not remove the Nitrokey 3 or insert any other Nitrokey 3 devices during the update. Doing so may damage the Nitrokey 3.
Do you want to perform the firmware update now? [y/N]: y
Please press the touch button to reboot the device into bootloader mode …
Perform firmware update: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 534k/534k [00:23<00:00, 23.1kB/s]
Finalize upgrade: 10%|███████▊ | 10/100 [00:07<01:08, 1.31%/s]
Critical error:
An unhandled exception occurred
Exception encountered: OSError(‘Failed reading a response’)
Warning: no backend was found to use for communication. Please refer to documentation how to install additional libraries.
Critical error occurred, exiting now
Unexpected? Is this a bug? Would you like to get support/help?
What happened afterwards? Can you please send me the log file /var/folders/bz/b81y31v50y583fw07qpswyfr0000gn/T/nitropy.log.luza4zim (post here or mail to support@nitrokey.com)?