NK3C NFC: How can I test the NFC function on an iPhone 12?

I bought an Adapter via Amazon.

It does not work with my iPhone in the Browser Safari on https://webauthn.io/

As with the adapter that I recommended, it needs to be a camera kit compatible adapter and not only for charging.

My adapter is declared with “data transfer is possible”.

Well, I wrote a mail to Nitrokey, to ask for an official recommendation of an adapter.

I tested NFC with 2 Nitrokey 3A that I just purchased.

Phone model is iPhone 14 Pro, cover removed. NFC on the phone works without problems when using the german ID card (even with cover mounted).

First I thought it doesn´t work at all with the NK3, but after about 20 tries (!) I found a spot (in the center top of the iPhone) where it finally worked once or twice, both with Safari and Firefox, but each time only after endlessly moving the NK3 back and forth.

With problems like this I consider NFC unusable.

Using the Apple camera adapter (lightning to USB) the NK3 worked, but strange things happed with the Wi-Fi connection (@ 5 GHz, at only 3 m distance to the AP). It lost the connection several times - just when using the NK3… I suspect this could be related to rf interference (in german: “EMV”)?

Using both NK3 using a USB-C adapter on an iPad Pro (several years old, no NFC) works fine.

For me it works reliably now, tapping the key to the front of the phone as mentioned in this thread: