Setting HOTP secret failed after oem reset

Hi all,
I have a nitrokey 3.
after oem factory reset, and after Invalid code message i proceeded to generate a new totp/hotp.
after qr code, it asks for Nitrokey Admin PIN, but even i set the default one (123…), it refuses to write the hotp secret
“ERROR: Setting HOTP secret on Nitrokey failed!”
Any help would be appreciated.

Adding another information,it says: “Card counter: PIN is not set - set PIN before the firse use”, but i’m not sure what pin is this and how to set it, and what application use to set it, I changed so many pins…

PIN is the user password for daily use where the default is 123456.

Admin PIN is the administrator password for configuring the card (e.g. generating a new key) where the default PIN is 12345678.

For FIDO2 there is a yet another PIN but this is not used here.

thanks for response, how can i be sure admin pin is correct? can i reset it? it doesnt write the hotp secret with the message “ERROR: Setting HOTP secret on Nitrokey failed!” whatever admin pin I insert…

The admin PIN can be reset by doing a factory reset.

it was the mismatch between nitrokey and heads versions, once I flashed heads to the latest version the issue was fixed