Suggestion for a minimal cli app

I recall there used to be something called nitrokey-cli, but it no longer is worked on and/or it is basically asleep.

I had two thoughts regarding this:

One, make the nitrokey-app have two parts to it, one be a GUI and one be a CLI type function. Both can get the job done, but one is way more user friendly and the other uses almost no dependencies.

The other, is to have two separate apps, which sounds like a waste of resources/time.

I mention this, because this might actually make it easier to port to more operating systems, particularly, the ones that get frustrated with the bloatware.

BSDs as a whole could then have it added easier for one thing, but if not that, you could also do so for another, it would be good for those of us, who don’t like to constantly have to upgrade to a newer Stable, whenever you feel the need to change specific dependencies.

Basically, having a CLI version would probably not require nearly as many updates on stuff that is usually frequently changing, looking at >>>>>>>>>> qt


Also, it would be much, much quicker to build from source too.

If this option already exists, though, feel free to let me know.

There is an official Nitrokey CLI, nitropy written in Python. It supports the Nitrokey FIDO2, Nitrokey Start, Nitrokey 3 and NetHSM. And it is indeed planned to use it in the next versions of the Nitrokey App to avoid code duplication.

There also is an unofficial CLI, nitrocli, that supports most features of the Nitrokey Pro and Storage.

Interesting! One other concern does come to me, however…

pip is required to use nitropy if I recall correctly.

I did this once to get bleachbit to run:

make -C po local # build translations

However, interestingly enough, all you have to do afterwards, is to go into root and do this:

make install

then bleachbit will be installed.)

To be even more core to the point, is it possible to use python-setuptools instead of python-pip?

Such as python-setuptools?

To be clear, I built bleachbit that way without pip. It still worked.

More or less, as few dependencies as possible would be good.

Including this, I mentioned, for this reason.

Although, if you know a way to sidestep this, to still install it, that would be great.

Still, its a good move in the direction I wanted anyhow. :slight_smile:

pip (or pipx) is the only supported installation method. But there is no strict dependency on it so I don’t see why it should not work without it if you manually take care of the dependencies and the installation.

Sounds like that could be good, but will you at least list the dependencies somewhere?

That would help a lot!

aka, for debian and arch, etc… but those two in particular.

The direct dependencies are listed in the pyproject.toml file.

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Well, I found out some good news, apparently, there is a way for me to install it anyhow… its a “pip” alternative… so… yeah :slight_smile:

So… this is somewhat solved for now.

Maybe someday there will be a better more minimal way than the current? For now, no issue though. :slight_smile:

Thanks, this is an excellent solution, this might work! Thank you, will check soon…
