TOTP or HOTP ? I can't generate a PIN

Strage thinks… hello again,

i will use the NK Pro for OneTime Passwort (HOTP /Two factor) - i see a login splash from the 2FA App, i open my NK Pro App and will generate a PIN… i copy&paste the looong key from the “black window” to my NK App …

but, nothing happens… i click on “generate” it’s allways the wrong PIN…

what can i do ??

Nice Weekend @all


Make sure you have the latest Nitrokey App - v1.4.

jup, i have : 1.4.0 (app help say’s)

If you create TOTP, maybe the timezone is different (e.g. utc vs. cest).
For HOTP, the version needs to be in sync.

Thank you for the update.

  1. Can you tell your Nitrokey model and firmware version?
  2. Can you check the PIN attempt counters for Admin and User? If either is 0, you need to reset them.
  3. What is your OS?
  4. Was it working before, e.g. with other services?

1.: NK Model is PRO wth Firmware 0.14
2.: yes i have check, it’s greater then 0
3. atm win10 (i use both, win and gnu/linux) but on my work i must use win10 (nitrokey musst run on win10 for rollout LAN wide?! :wink:
4. i test a new “psssword software” - i will use the NK TOTP or HOTP for access the pw-software (both win)

hint: i use (for testing TOTP) FreeOTP+ from FDROID - it works “out of the box”

Do you copy & paste the secret to generate the TOTP? Could you please try to copy it in a notepad to see whether there are any unwanted characters added (like a space)?

What is the timezone of your system?

heyho, and sorry 4 delay (i’m on work)

the timezone by Server and by the client are both (exactly by second)

my employer has chosen this product here (server side, 0)

And if i choose TOTP at my NK App - i can’t generate a TOTP 6 digit PIN - i get only a 32 Digits loooong Passphrase or else…

0 TOTP only :frowning: