Ubuntu system upgrade


I have a X230 with Ubuntu 20.04 OEM currently installed, and I have to perform an upgrade to 22.04.
Can I do it by using the integrated Software Updater, like described here https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/upgrading-ubuntu-desktop#2-launch-the-software-updater, or do I have to download an ISO from here https://www.nitrokey.com/files/ci/ubuntu/ and make a clean install, and then restore my Timeshift backup ?

Thanks in advance for your feedback


I recommend using the software updater.

Debian / Ubuntu updates usually should run smoothly but you should think about doing backups before. E.g. image backup using a live usb flash drive to quickly restore the system if update does not succeed as planned.


Thanks for your feedback.
I will then go for the Software Updater. I have a Timeshift backup in case anything goes wrong.
