Uploading big files > 512MB

Dear support team,

few weeks ago we bought a NextBox basically for sharing files in our home network. We just mount the webdav shares on our Linux desktop pc’s and do not have any particular use for installing any Nextcloud clients.

Unfortunately, there is a huge limitation on uploading bigger files - the data transfer fails. Under Verwaltung → System → PHP there is message " Maximale Größe zum Hochladen: 512 MB". How can that limit be increased?

Thank you in advance!

Best regards


you can increase this number by changing the PHP conf and the Apache conf.

More information here: 1. Uploading big files > 512MB — Nextcloud latest Administration Manual latest documentation

This is not a trivial procedure so I don’t recommend doing it since you could easily break your NextBox.

Otherwise I suggest that you use the Nextcloud client: Download and install Nextcloud which chunks large files automatically.