Wireless connectivity

Is it possible to connect to a wireless network with the Nextbox?

In theory yes, but the NextBox does not provide any means to configure WiFi via the NextBox app. This means you could set up WiFi on your own, using ssh and the shell, if you know what you are doing.

@daringer Hello Markus,
Sorry to wake up this fossil topic, but I happen to be in a bizarre situation, where my ordinary optical fibre connection has been broken for more than a month, part of a conflict between my ISP and the separate Infrastructure operator.
The survival solution I got is a 4G-wifi small hub that does the trick for everything wifi here… but not for the nextbox…
From your aswer above, I understand one can address wifi through the shell, but does this go up to connecting the Nextbox Docker app to internet through Wifi?
(assuming, in my case, that it is already fully configured correctly with an ethernet configuration)