ich versuche gerade den Nitrokey FIDO2 unter Ubuntu 20.04 zu nutzen. Leider nur mit mäßigem Erfolg.
Standardmäßig werden Firefox und Chromium bei Ubuntu 20.04 wohl als Snap installiert. In dieser Konfiguration erkennen beide den Stick nicht.
Erst wenn ich Firefox als normales (deb) Paket installiere und AppArmor ausschalte, wird der Nitrokey erkannt. Sicherheitstechnisch ist das natürlich nicht gewünscht.
// the config below was re-tested and does not work
Hallo Markus,
I have some good news, and some bad news. Let’s start with the bad news first, as I faced the same issues as you did.
Chromium did not work as you specified, and I posted on an Ubuntu Forum to see if the issue is known. In any case this will require some further research. And I will get back to you in this regard.
For Firefox, at first it was possible to detect the key only if there was an exception in AppArmor for firefox, as you noted. However, there might be a workaround that worked for me:
Insert your U2F Key.
Run: mkdir ~/.config/Nitrokey
Run: pamu2fcfg > ~/.config/Nitrokey/u2f_keys
When your device begins flashing in white, touch the Nitrokey to confirm the association.
This will probably require a reboot, and unplug/replug of the Nitrokey. I have followed the instructions from a comparable website. Most importantly, please let me know if it works for you.
Now firefox detects the Nitrokey FIDO 2, and is not subject to an AppArmor exception.
Let me know if this helps in any manner, we would probably need to figure out what the hell is going-on with chromium. Sorry for this delayed reply.
I did another trial on a fresh VM, and it does not work. Once the apparmor profile for firefox enforced, it can not detect, nor read, the Nitrokey FIDO.