Replacement for NitroKey Pro (v. 1) plastic cap?

I lost the little plastic cap for my NitroKey Pro (v. 1). Does anyone have a good cheap replacement? 3D printed schematics? Maybe even the Nitrokey guys have replacements?

It would be a perfect thing to 3D print as a replacement.

If you send us a stamped return envelope, we send you a replacement cap.

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cool reaction IMHO
On my side, I managed to pierce a little hole in the cap and slide a small leash, which is visible in the picture I posted in the ‘stickers’ thread here
As I use it daily I was practicaly sure to loose it…

Well, the real bummer is that the earlier design (also v1, I believe) was reverted.

If you mean the hole in a cap, on mine (got devices a month ago) the hole is there from the inside, but capped from the outside, and has to be pierced manually as far as I see.

@szszszsz What I mean is what the arrow points at. This cable-like structure (from some plastic material), which connects cap and body and prevents losing the cap.

This Nitrokey wasn’t customized by me, this is how it was initially sold (although you can see it’s no longer brand new).

And for reasons unknown to me this smart design decision was reverted and its that decision that makes people lose the caps in the first place.

I understand.

@jan: Can we add back this small wire/thread, so the users could knot it over device’s cap?

@szszszsz I think I remember some sort of survey and some people not liking this thread/wire/cable, but it could be my failing memory also. Maybe someone else remembers …

I for one found that a really useful design aspect, despite being such a small detail.

Found it, was in German. Sent on 2015-10-07.

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I responded by saying it was well fastened and that the idea was great.

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Unfortunately we can’t make it right for everybody. Back then when we started the first batch including the wire, most users didn’t demand the wire. Also its manufacturing was fiddling. Therefore we decided against it.